DNA healing can create Magic in your Life...
Suffering from Repeating
patterns in your life????
Dna therapy works extremely well with repeated
patterns like ups and downs of life, not acknowledge by others,
sudden money crises, relationship issues, lack of communication with loved
ones....etc etc
Dna Therapy clears issues forever from past generation and also future
generation… Its Five step process
1) Identify personal Theme
2) Identify
Ancestral Theme
3) Triggered Year
4) Neurtralisation
and identify the gifts in the situation.
5) Creating a new different reality
and broadcasting to Universe.
Whole process takes 4 hrs and can be done
individually or group.
Commitment after the Dna
clearing is writing new created reality for 21 days….7 times each. No shortcut
on commitment but results are assured.
Redikall Healing is an Art of Thinking Right in Alignment with your Life. When
your thought process errs, so would the energies in your space. Redikall helps
you discover the blocked energy centers and unblocks them
by zoning in and rectifying corresponding erroneous thoughts and resultant
discomfort in the internal as well as external environment.
The greatest creations of the world began with a single, powerful
thought. Every thought is an extremely potent energy. Our life is a reflection
of our thoughts, and if we want to make a difference in our
lives, it can be achieved simply by changing our thought process.
Redikall Healing helps a person understand the core thought process
guiding their life situations or health conditions, and thereby improve or
completely change them.
Redikall Healing is related to the effects of our thoughts on our
energy system. Our thoughts or thinking patterns affect our emotions (how we
feel), these emotions in turn affect the energy field of our
body, and finally this field of energy generates changes in either our physical
body or our physical space. If our thoughts are constructive, stimulating and in
consonance with our life plan, there is a free flow
of energy throughout our body and the experience is exhilarating.
‘Theta’ from the Greek translation means ‘Soul’. By allowing the brain to be in a
predominantly theta brain wave state you have the ability to access the
energetic frequencies of your Soul and beyond, to the SOURCE
OF ALL THAT IS i.e. the seventh Plane of Existence. Theta is a very slow brain
wave, 4-7 cycles per second, a state of thoughtlessness. And in this space of
Oneness you connect to the Source of who you truly are
and can command and witness INSTANT physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
healings. Everyone has the ability to receive an instant healing.
In medical science, the first law of healing is to “Remove the cause”.
While medical doctors look to the tissues of the body for the cause and the
cure, there are many who believe that the cause of illness lies
far deeper in the intricate and complex activities of the human psyche. In this
we gain a clear understanding of the universal forces that influence health and
disease in the human body.
Every emotion you have ever felt is lodged somewhere in your body or aura. What
happens to these emotions? They stay there and fester year after year, expanding
every time you feel the same or a similar emotion. Eventually
they become headaches, depression, arthritis, cancer and numerous other
dis-eases. All illness has an emotional beginning. Headaches can be caused by an
inability to resolve emotional upsets, hurt feelings which
have gone unexpressed, or your inability to face an issue. Arthritic hands can
be caused by severe self-criticism or criticism of others. Being overweight can
be your body's response to feeling a need for protection
or hidden anger. Low back pain reflects concern with financial support.
Are these emotions destined to become disease? Not if you face the
emotion and release it, letting it go completely. The emotion can be released
with this training, but usually it must be peeled away much
like an onion. A person usually feels safer dealing with the least intense
emotions first, eventually getting to the deepest hidden causes of the emotion
and letting it go. This letting go of long buried emotions
can totally change your life as well as your health.
Pure energy knows no distance or limits. Long distance healing sessions can be
done in the privacy of your own home. The marvelous thing about healing energy
is that you do not have to leave your home to see a healer
in person. The distant healing is just as effective as a session done in person.
The energy healing may be done over the phone and email.
After a Distant healing session a sense of lightness, reduced pain, a
long sleep followed by feeling more energetic, and a sense of peace is
experienced in a client. When the body is in balance, natural
healing can take place. An overall sense of balance of body, mind and spirit is
what many who have had long distance energy healing claim. Others say it feels
like their energy centers, or chakras, have been opened
and they feel they experienced a chakra healing and aura balancing. It varies
from person to person.